Transport Services
Bassa & Associates, LLC services the local business, medical, and pharmaceutical industries in North Carolina with highly-experienced courier services, transporting an array of protected and dangerous goods with accuracy, skill and reliability.
We are fully HIPAA compliant and have reliable transportation for all of your needs.
Medical & Pharmaceutical Transport
Individuals and businesses can utilize us to transport sensitive medical supplies and documents including lab kits, blood samples, organ transports and more!
We have a highly-qualified team with quick turn-around options to satisfy the needs of your office or medical center.
Business & Legal Files & Documents
By now, many forms of documentation have converted to electronic communications; however, there are certain legal documents that still must be sent by hand to ensure the integrity of the information. We are here to help you get your files delivered timely!
Wills, Estate Documents, Passport Applications, and other documents that require traceability options are some examples of things you may need personally transported from one entity to another.
We offer transport services to meet these needs.